
Our $AVERAGE token is going to be the epitome of Average Bears. One of our crowned bears is the figurehead for the coin, each coin holding a value exclusive to the Average Bears community. Exchange is going to be so important now, and even more so in the future. Even simple actions like holding an Average Bear can earn you $Average. The uses for our token will no doubt expand significantly over the next few months, but here are a few early uses in the works.
Staking has never been so average, and will play a huge role when the mutants come...

Total supply of 500 million
Stake your Average Bears

Average Bears that have been staked will passively earn $Average

Purchase gifts with $AVERAGE
Use your $AVERAGE to buy other CNFTs, early access to mints and more

Enter NFT raffles
Use $AVERAGE to buy raffle tickets for big NFT giveaways (bought using royalties)

Earn $AVERAGE by completing Bear Hunts in real life
By completing one of our Average Bear hunts in real life (see below), you will be rewarded with $AVERAGE.

Holding an Average Bear
All holders of one Average Bear or more will be eligible to claim 500 $AVERAGE per first (1st) of each month. You can claim your tokens ONLY on our discord server, and there will be a specific channel to submit your wallet address. See below if any of your bears qualify for a larger yield of $AVE tokens.
In time, our token allocation could occur every epoch as we build more. More details on this soon.

These are the key trait combinations summarised. Each trait combination below has its own unique name, and will soon have their own unique benefits. These unique benefits will relate to the name of the trait combination. For example, a bear with a gold crown and a gold grill will be called a "King", and the benefits for holders of a "King" bear will be unique to someone with a "Businessman" bear.
Also, bears with these combinations of traits will have ranked roles in our Bear World in the future. Of course, many more details to come!

$AVERAGE Allocation: Holders receive additional 10,000 $AVERAGE per first of each month.
More benefits revealed 28th October 21:00 UTC

$AVERAGE Allocation: Holders receive additional 20,000 $AVERAGE per first of each month
More benefits revealed 28th October 21:00 UTC
$AVERAGE Allocation: Holders receive additional 3,000 $AVERAGE per first of each month
More benefits revealed 28th October 21:00 UTC

$AVERAGE Allocation: Holders receive additional 50,000 $AVERAGE per first of each month
More benefits revealed 28th October 21:00 UTC

$AVERAGE Allocation: Holders receive additional 2,000 $AVERAGE per first of each month
More benefits revealed 28th October 21:00 UTC

Trait Values
The key trait rarities summarised. Note that the top 444 Average Bears are still the rarest and can be found using cnft.tools. These particular traits below will hold significant benefits in the future as we progress. Furthermore, there will be specific combinations of traits that will have huge benefits and their own names. One trait category will be released each day from 05 October 2022.

Gold crown - Highest-value headwear
Benefits: Released when all trait categories have been announced
Pilot hat- High-value headwear
Benefits: Released when all trait categories have been announced
Dollar hat- High-value headwear
Benefits: Released when all trait categories have been announced

Gold grill - Highest-value mouth
Benefits: Released when all trait categories have been announced
Little angry- High-value mouth
Benefits: Released when all trait categories have been announced
Showing teeth- High-value mouth
Benefits: Released when all trait categories have been announced

Astronaut- Highest-value clothes
Benefits: Released when all trait categories have been announced
Suit- High-value clothes
Benefits: Released when all trait categories have been announced
Victorian- High-value clothes
Benefits: Released when all trait categories have been announced

Dollar t shirt- High-value clothes
Benefits: Released when all trait categories have been announced
*Once all the trait category rarities have been released,
the benefits will be released...

Classic- Highest-value eyes
Benefits: Released when all trait categories have been announced
Black eye- High-value eyes
Benefits: Released when all trait categories have been announced

Monocle- High-value eyewears
Benefits: Released when all trait categories have been announced

Purple glasses- High-value eyewears
Benefits: Released when all trait categories have been announced

The time has come to announce we have been working hard to provide some real world utility, and here it is. This is only the first step in our plan to make Average Bears one of the most realistic and interactive CNFTs on the platform.
Introducing "Average Bears Hunt"
Real, physical posters of certain "High Value Average Bears" will be revealed in certain real-world locations across the globe, with co-ordinates. These posters will be of high quality, laminated and only one will exist. A code will be on the back to confirm that the rightful person has found it first.
To claim the rewards of the poster, you MUST own at least 5 Average Bears and a High-Value Average Bear. The prizes will be revealed before each hunt is announced. There will be a hunt schedule that will be released detailing the dates of each announcement.
And besides, who doesn't need an excuse to travel... There are so many more details to come, but know that this is the start of the plan.
We are ready to change the game with some real world utilisation, are you?

Average Ed
Ironically, I'm not feeling bearish right now!

Average Flo
Wait, are we meant to say something interesting?

Average Troy
Erm, can I go back to hibernating please?!

Average Shane
I'm a bear, that's about it...

Average Ben
New to the team as of 02/10/2022. Ready to make some changes and progress Average Bears forward.
Average Dib
New to the team as of 02/10/2022. Invited on board by Average Ben, I am passionate we can come together as a community and make these bears more than average!